The bug is currently hibernating for the winter, I have owned this bug for nearly six years now. This is a hobby and an adventure taking us to new places and making memories along the way. This 62 ragtop beetle is currently the only vintage vehicle I own. It’s a “rolling work in progress” it’s not perfect, but so much fun.
Author: rgray
2024, Midland Antique Festival, Midland Michigan
A VW engine powered off road vehicle received an award today, My 62 beetle also received an award and 100.00 cash.
It’s been one of those days!
I needed to replace the horn wire and get that horn operational again, blue skies, not too warm, pulled it out of storage, tire off and a few minutes later, I heard thunder, I look up and all of a sudden dark clouds followed by a down pour of rain.
Took a break while the car got a free power wash, grabbed some dinner, the rain held up after a while and got that horn wire replaced and fully operating again.
Yes! I’m soaking wet and laughed my butt off.
Wiper arm malfunction
The pin in the wiper arm came out, might be able to fix it but replaced the wiper arm with a working one for now.