The bug is currently hibernating for the winter, I have owned this bug for nearly six years now. This is a hobby and an adventure taking us to new places and making memories along the way. This 62 ragtop beetle is currently the only vintage vehicle I own. It’s a “rolling work in progress” it’s not perfect, but so much fun.
Category: News
2024, it’s a new year!
The bug is currently hibernating for the winter, I have owned this bug for five years now. This is a hobby and an adventure taking us to new places and making memories along the way. This 62 ragtop beetle is currently the only vintage vehicle I own. It’s a “rolling work in progress” it’s not perfect, but is so much better now. But we still have work to do…to be continued…
US 23 Drive-in Theater Flint, Michigan
We spent the earlier part of the day at the Northern Worthersee (NoWo) car show in Frankenmuth, after the car show we headed south to Flint Michigan to catch a late night movie at the US 23 Drive-in theater. They transmit the audio to your fm radio but we came prepared with a classic drive-in theatre speaker.
Let the fun begin
It’s that time of the year! Oil changed, valves adjusted, replaced a bad heater hose, new distributor cap etc…ready for another year of fun with the 62 bug.
2023, it’s a new year!
The bug is currently hibernating for the winter, I have owned this bug for four years now, it’s had a lot of work done to it, I have participated in many car shows and overall just enjoy cruising around town in this beetle. Looking forward to this new year of vehicle maintenance, car shows and just having fun.